Ways to be an ideal father - Responsibility towards children


Ways to be an ideal father - Responsibility towards children

Ways to be an ideal father - Responsibility towards children

Today's children are the future of tomorrow's nation. The richer they are in physical and mental health, education, thinking and mind, the stronger the future of the nation will be. But the overall situation of children in the context of Bangladesh is not promising. In the urge to survive, many poor children are deprived of their right to development, right to enjoy quality of life and right to entertainment, as a result of which the future of the child is not secured. Many times the parents employ their children in risky jobs in the pursuit of scarcity.

Again, deprived children are tapping themselves on the urge of the stomach, engaging in risky activities. In some cases, various crimes are involved. There are laws, government-private and international charters and commitments to protect children from this situation but they are not being followed. Leaders of the nation, intellectuals, civil society therefore need to pay special attention to this aspect. It is unfortunate that a class of so-called intellectuals in our country are ignoring the moral education of children. Due to which some abnormal behavior of children is also observed.

Children are the precious wealth of parents. He who does not have children understands his pain. But if you can't make him a human being even from a child, then that is your failure.

What we do in parenting –

  • I scold them if they misbehave.
  • Beating instead of teaching the right thing.
  • I don't see boys or girls as equals.
  • Do not praise the child's good deeds.
  • Do not make the child interested in work.
  • Do not listen to the child's opinions seriously.
  • Don't buy anything on her whim even if possible.
  • Do not mix with others.
  • Many prefer to keep children alone.
  • Work against the child's will.
  • If I make a promise, I don't keep it.
  • Do not take the child for a walk.
  • Do not spend free time with the child.
  • Make children disinterested in sports.
  • Locked in monotonous studies.
  • I indulge him even after telling a lie.
  • If he gets hurt by falling, I give him more pain.
  • I instill fear in his mind through strict discipline.
  • Do not speak against his bad deeds.

A thousand examples could be given of what parents do today. In fact, to make the child a real person, you have to be aware. Also should be an ideal teacher. As a child's father, you have to fulfill your responsibilities. Below we have outlined some points that can be followed to give your child a fulfilling lifestyle.

Father's Role in Child Rearing

1. Suppress the tears

Early in life babies use crying as a tool to get what they want. Don't let this happen. If you're going to give her what she wants, give it only once or not at all. For example, she starts crying to you for buying the most expensive dress in the market. After a few days, he got serious about buying the expensive mobile phone in the market. Then he wants an expensive laptop. In this case you fulfill only the first of his needs.

Again not immediately, but the day after the crying or some time after the crying stops. Again he demanded 5000 rupees from you for some bad work. You give him 1500-2000 rupees instead of the whole. Not at the same time. 500 or 1000 in two or three days. So that he understands the importance of money and also realizes that 'wanting doesn't buy everything.'

Ways: You have to be a bit harsh a few times at first. So that they understand there is no point in crying. Crying doesn't get everything. To achieve everything one has to struggle, one has to work hard. This is the reasonable way to deal with them in such situations. Rather, through it they will learn to value anything.

2. Teach your child to share

This is a quality that is not seen in many children. Parents are mainly responsible for not being anymore. Because they are not taught that way. And it takes a lot of time to acquire this quality in self-education. By that time, many incidents happened. Basically, teaching division to children whose parents have only 1 child becomes quite complicated.

Without this quality, children –

  • Does not want to share anything with others.
  • Always thinking about himself. In one word, the attitude of "If you live in your father's name" is created among them.
  • They do not keep any news of the neighborhood.
  • Even such children later push the parents away.

Method: You are going to buy ice cream for your beloved baby. But he saw that there was another baby next to him. So buy not one, but two ice creams and show your kid and give him the ice cream in front of him. You can say affectionately – 'one for my daddy, and one for sweet baby' or you're going to buy him potato chips. Then buy a chip and 'feed the baby next to you.' You can say in the language of love - 'Sweet baby, come eat chips with us.' In this way, you can inform the child about sharing or sharing.

3. Learning beyond books

Encourage children to participate in extracurricular activities when they start school. That is, let him participate in something like a quiz or a sport. Never force him to participate in these matters voluntarily. That is, let him try to do it of his own accord whenever he wants. Remember, sports are a part of education. Your responsibility is only to encourage him.

4. Give your child time

Fulfilling the needs of the child i.e. just bringing him food and toys is not the main job of a real father. It is also important to give enough time to the child. You need to find enough time for the child to develop a full life. Because, children want to be with their parents, want to listen to them, want to get on their lap, want to be loved. So what you do is-

  • Be a child's playmate.
  • Spend a lazy afternoon with him.
  • Take him for a walk.
  • Check the child before returning from office.

Because, these things play a positive role in shaping the child's life. So add enough time for baby in your time table.

5. Don't indulge

This is where the biggest parenting mistake we make. Remember, indulgences only lead to bigger mistakes. For example, you find out through people that your child in class five has started smoking cigarettes. Or fight outside. At that time the parent of the other child came to you with a complaint and you said - 'That is a small person. One or two mistakes not very bad and can be made.

Remember, by saying this, you have darkened his future. Because, when you say this about him, he doesn't care about anything else. Thus his criminal tendency gradually increased. So take appropriate action at the right time without indulging the child.

6. Don't condone lies

Yes, we all know that 'lying is a great sin'. Adults understand this, but children often use it to escape from danger. Lies lead people to slow decline. And those who tell lies are stigmatized by family, society and state. Nobody likes a liar. For example, while playing in the neighboring house, the baby brought the elder sister's pen quietly in his pocket. When Apu came and wanted the pen back, she clarified that I didn't have it. But you can see the pen right in his pocket. Basically, he is lying out of fear of your punishment.

If you indulge his tendency to lie now in such a situation, he will be involved in more serious crimes later on. So you have to play an active role in curbing the 'lying tendency' from day one. 

7. Learn to say 'Sorry'

'Apologizing for mistakes' is a noble quality of human character. But not all individuals possess this quality. So teach your child to say sorry when he is wrong. For example, out for a walk with your beloved baby. But on the way due to your carelessness bumped into some stranger and the books in his hand fell. At this moment you help him pick up the books from the ground.

Then tell him, 'I'm really sorry. I didn't notice you at all.' Meanwhile your child observed the entire incident with his own eyes. From here he learned to apologize to others for his mistakes.

8. Not strict rule

Strict discipline is never desirable for children. Children are scared as a result of strict discipline. This increases the tendency of children to hide the truth. Suppose, the child has scored badly in one of the school exams. Now the teacher asked to bring the parent's signature in the book. But he knows how angry you are! Seeing the results of how terrible it will be! Honestly speaking, your child will be scared of such a character. He will then covertly think of forging your signature himself. Gradually he will do all the things that are not good for him without your notice.

9. To be interested in work

If you want a child to do something, don't ask him to do it, but show him first. It is known that children are imitators. So till a certain age kids just follow what the people around do. Especially what their parents are doing. So if you want your daughter/son to imbibe some of your good habits, show them regularly. It can be something like singing or listening to music and praising someone, thanking someone or greeting someone.

10. Create an attitude of cooperation

It is also a great quality of human character. No one can walk alone in the world. We always seek the help of others in some work. If you are left in the wild, you cannot be alone even if you want to. Because you can't express your feelings with anyone there, you can't meet all your needs. You must be forced to return to the civilized world. The help of others must be taken.

Thinking, I can walk alone. I don't need anyone's help. I am not dependent on anyone. So think once, if there is no market, what will you cook, if there is no barber, who will cut your hair, if there is no farmer, where will you get rice? Thousands of such examples can be given. So create cooperative spirit among children.

11. Teach responsibility from childhood

There are many parents who do all the chores of their children themselves. Yes, if you do too, quit today. Because the child does not learn to take responsibility. But we should give him small responsibilities and teach him to perform them properly. For example, the responsibilities assigned to the child may be – cleaning the plate after meals, brushing oneself after waking up in the morning, cleaning clothes after school, cleaning shoes and socks, helping parents with various tasks and making their own bed pillow at bedtime. Clean it yourself.

If a child is hesitant to do these things, explain them without scolding them. Tell him this – 'You should do your own work. Doing your own thing is not a bad thing. You will see, he will accept your words.

12. Keep the promise

Any promise made to the child should be duly fulfilled. Through this, children learn to keep promises. He should also be praised for doing something good. This motivates him more in that work.

13. Boys and girls have equal rights

Many parents are seen feeding their sons with the big fish head and their daughters with fish belly. Why? Because in old age boys will see their parents but girls will go to the next house. Then you have the question, 'Can you be 100% sure that this son will grow up to see you in your old age?' No, you can't.

Because currently there are many precedents of the country's most prestigious job boy's parents are also in the old age home. As he lives abroad, he does not even come to see his dead father. However, you have to be neutral in parenting. No distinction can be made between boys and girls. Both should be given equal love. Only then can you be an ideal father.

Ways to be an ideal father - Responsibility towards children

What can be done to secure the child's future

Love and mercy for children: Every parent wants to ensure the safety of their children, yet many children are victims of the cruel irony of fate. Love, compassion, kindness to avoid such situations.

Making abused children confident: Be it physical, mental or sexual abuse, children who are subjected to any form of abuse are demoralized. So children need to be freed from fear as well as help to boost their morale as well as build their confidence. Children need to understand that they are not responsible for being abused. Being loved makes it easier for them to forget the terrible experience. Therefore, children who are victims of torture should be approached first.

Ensuring the Fundamental Rights of the Child: This is our society of rich and poor. Every person in the society has some responsibility and duty. We common people need to speak up. The fundamental rights of the child must be guaranteed and the marginalized must be supported. Help should be extended. You will have to come forward with what I have.

Ensuring children's primary education: We need to extend support to village children who come to cities in search of work. If we can provide the light of education for them, we can wish them a beautiful future, because education is a fundamental right. The light of education will never lead a child down a bad path. We can show some sympathy to children who work at home and arrange for them to study at home along with housework. In this way we can ensure at least primary education.

Implementation of Child Rights Act: We can build community based organizations where we live, create human bonds to implement Child Rights Act. As people of society we can work unitedly for poor children. We can organize various programs to bring smiles to children's faces. Like ensuring education system, distribution of free medical services. We can organize concerts to implement these programs.

Drug Campaign for Children: To ensure the future of children, they need to be made aware of the dire consequences of drugs. We can highlight these things through camping and counseling. We often avoid many things that fall within our social and moral responsibilities, but if we can accept every child as a part of our family, we can work towards ensuring their safety.

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